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Footes Creek

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A series of grisly murders at a prestigious old boy club in New Jersey has its members reeling. Police Chief McSorly teams with a female member to solve the crimes. A romance begins. Footes Creek is a venerable old course in Dunhill, New Jersey. Built in 1907, the prestigious old club has hosted several U.S. Opens, the PGA Championship and the Ryder Cup. In April, Carlos Rodriguez (a maintenance employee) is found dead near the 14th green, apparently mauled by the gang mower he was riding. The autopsy, however, reveals a long deep stab wound. Four days later, Ricky Mesa (another worker) is found dead in his car at the bottom of the lake that surrounds the famous 17th island green. He was struck in the head with a tire iron. The USGA will soon announce that the Open is coming to Footes Creek. Police Chief Ed (Mac) McSorley is under pressure to solve the crimes, but his life is an alcoholic haze since the death of his beloved wife two years ago and the estrangement of his only son. As the mystery unfolds, Mac pulls himself together and follows the convoluted trail through the clubhouse, the golf course, and the pristine town of Dunhill. An avid golfer, Mac devotes himself to finding the murderer and in the process he meets Abbey Mitchell, a member of the club who is a local Realtor. As they compare notes to help solve the crime, they are attracted to

Thriller / Mystery
3.8 6 reviews
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Chapter 1

Morning came slowly over the hills, first as a gray awareness, then a brightening in the east. As the light spread, it cast deep shadows on the undulating fairways of Footes Creek Golf Course, then glimmered on the ripples of water near the 17th green.

When the sun finally rounded the last hill above the course, its bright rays worked down past the old stone clubhouse, eased across the sloping 14th fairway, then fell on a body.

What was left of Carlos Rodriguez lay sprawled and obscene in the thick grass.A horsefly with a shiny blue-green body and silver fanning wings flew across Carlos’ face and landed lightly on his mangled chest.A cricket scurried away from a stream of congealed blood that had flowed down the steep hillside.

A small utility cart approached from the far side of the hill with two men in it.The cart stopped and the shorter man pointed up the hill, then buried his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking.

The tall lean man jumped out, ran thirty paces up the hill and stopped.

“Oh, my God,” he whispered, then turned away with his hand over his mouth.

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Jimena ღ: Este tipo de historias siempre están provocando algo en mi, pero solo cuando están bien redactadas y definitivamente este fic es perfecto. Gracias a la autorx

Marion: Muy buena historia. Bien contada. Sólo no se si continúa. Cuando actualizan?

Lissy: Die Geschichte ist sehr spannend und es ist sehr unterhaltsam. 😍😍😏

Gloria: I like the mystery & romance

Jessica: Es war so schön zu lesen, ich habe zwar bei Band 3 und dann erst 1,2 und 4 gelesen, aber es war so fesselnd.Ich mochte die nächste Omega Geschichte, auch wenn ich verstehen kann, dass du bestimmt auch über andere Themen lesen möchtet. Ehrlich wunderbar geschrieben. Ich habe alle 4 Bücher gesu...

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Aly: It was honestly amazing and i wish i found something like this earlier

anncat2014: Is there more?

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